meet the team
“When you make your audience use their feelings, you unlock the power of connection. They won’t always remember what you said, but they WILL remember how you made them feel.”
Caitlin Johnson
Body language, smells, colors, sounds, textures all communicate to us deep in our subconscious mind.
Now, I didn’t start collecting shopping bags and product packages as a teenager because I recognized the psychology behind my purchasing habits!
But being raised in a family of artists, of all sorts, I was fascinated by the attention paid to something that was intended to be discarded shortly after the purchase.
Knowing the brand thought that it was important enough to put so much effort into the smallest of details made me feel a certain way.
I can remember my mom telling me as a young girl that I could be someone who designed that packaging for a career. From there, a seed was planted in my brain to discover the world of branding.
My journey with branding has always been intuitive first, and then connecting it with knowledge to back it up. Intuitively, I always picked up on the subconscious communication happening around me.
After earning a Bachelors in Business, a Masters in Web Design and Online Communication from the University of Florida, and being a self-proclaimed “forever student” of my craft, I have the science to explain results-driven branding decisions.
Your brand should make people FEEL something.
When you make your audience use their feelings, you unlock the power of connection.
People won’t always remember what you said, but they WILL remember the experience of how you made them feel.
At Sage & Soul Creative, we seamlessly blend the art of intuition with the foundation of knowledge to curate a truly distinctive approach to brand building.
By harnessing the power of intuition, we tap into the pulse of emotions. At the same time, our informed strategies ground us in a realm of purposeful precision.
our guiding principles
As social creatures, we have an innate desire to belong to something greater than ourselves. By fostering connections we can combine our strengths, provide support, and add joy to each other’s lives. Together, we thrive.
This is it. We only get one life to live. We only get so many chances to take the risks, do the things, and make our mark. We must act with intention so that we can all fulfill our God-given purpose.
Our clients and teammates aren’t just a “cog in the machine.” We strive to make everyone we encounter feel deeply cared for as a person. Every detail matters – from our design choices to our client experience, our choices reflect the world we want to live in.
When you decide to work with someone, you expect them to fulfill their end of the deal, and when they don’t it can cause stress and disappointment. We believe that through communication and clear expectations, people will be dependable.