Brand identity | website

Fe Growth Strategies

Fe Growth Strategies, led by Shannon Murray-Doffo, is an agency specializing in fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services. Recognizing the pivotal role visual identity plays in communicating the quality and essence of her services, Shannon embarked on a transformative journey to rebrand her agency. The existing logo, marked by thin lines and a lack of scalability, failed to convey the level of professionalism and sophistication required for her high-ticket clientele. It was crucial for Fe Growth Strategies to “look the part” and reflect the caliber of services provided. Additionally, a new website was needed to effectively showcase the agency’s offerings and entice potential clients.

What we delivered

Fe Growth Strategies offers its high-ticket fractional CMO services to clients operating seven to eight-figure businesses. The critical need for a new visual identity was driven by the understanding that an outdated, low-quality image was incongruent with the industry, service quality, and the target market. This project included several pivotal tasks:

Brand Identity Redesign: Creation of a new brand identity, complete with logos, colors, typography, patterns, and brand guidelines. This comprehensive visual overhaul would ensure a professional and cohesive representation of the agency.

Website Design: Designing an updated website that would effectively showcase Fe Growth Strategies’ range of services and serve as a valuable tool for attracting new clients.

This project exemplified the profound impact of an enhanced visual identity and website on a high-ticket service provider, effectively matching their brand image to the caliber of their services and clients.